Auckland Uni's Research on 'Vaccinated' Pregnant Women
What was the research project and who ran it? More importantly, where are the outcomes?
The University of Auckland - where I studied my Masters of Legal Studies during the height of the totalitarianism in 2022 - ran a research project ‘New Zealand Registry of Covid-19 in Pregnancy'. Wouldn’t it be interesting to obtain findings of that investigation?

What was the Registry of Covid in Pregnancy Project?
This study was aimed at catching data that would provide insights into:
How many women in New Zealand are affected by COVID-19 and how does this affect them and their babies? This registry is for all New Zealand women who are at any stage of pregnancy or have been pregnant in the last 6 weeks, with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
The rationale for the research project was based on the fear-mongering propaganda we have got used to, for instance, in the Ethics Application Form, it stated that:
COVID-19 is a serious and potentially fatal infection that is causing a pandemic of unprecedented scale and cost to human health, not seen since the influenza pandemic of the early 20th century. Accurate national epidemiological data are urgently needed to plan the national response to this (and future SARS infections), in order to prevent massive loss of life. (my emphasis)
In the Participants’ Information, it stated the apparent reasons for the investigation:
COVID-19 increases risks for pregnant women and their babies. A COVID-19 in Pregnancy New Zealand Registry is needed so we have an understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy in our own country and whether hapū wāhine Māori are impacted differently to other pregnant women. The Registry will provide information on:
How many cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy we have in New Zealand?
What is the VACCINATION STATUS of women with COVID-19 in pregnancy?
What are the effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy outcomes? Are there differences in outcomes depending on the stage of the pregnancy when the mother infected? What are the risks that a mother will pass COVID-19 to her baby?
How many cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy have there been in wāhine Māori and other ethnicities? Are any of the risks and outcomes different for different ethnicities?
How does New Zealand’s management of COVID-19 in pregnancy differ from other countries and does this affect outcomes?
(NOTE NUMBER 3 ABOVE - more on that below.
In a previous post I explained about the Kiwi teachers (who are majority female) many of whom were mandated out of their jobs by the Ministry of Education which was actively coercing pregnant teachers to comply with the unethical, dangerous ‘no jab, no job’ mandate:
In particular, watch the body language at this point in the video I embedded in the article above, where one of the so-called ‘experts’ talks about the impact the jabs had on her own menstrual cycle.
Who was involved in this research project?
The Auckland Uni ‘Registry’ research study was supported by a wide range of professional associations, including: the [woke] New Zealand Office of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) which run workshops for their Midwives (Midhusbands?) so that can help “Cool, strong men, give birth”. I kid you not, eg:

Maybe someone would like to email these ‘academics’ and ask them “What is a Woman?”
Anyway, back to the Registry research project, which was also supported by doctors in General Practice; midwifery; lead maternity carers (LMCs), obstetric LMCs and hospital clinicians. Co-investigators included representatives from the New Zealand College of Midwives (NZCOM), the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and RANZCOG. There was also other connections to long-term observational studies of pregnant women, such as the SPRINT-SARI project. ALL these organisations - as made clear in the video clip above - played an integral part in encouraging and coercing pregnant women (at all stages) to get injected, so you would think the outcomes from this observational study (and those connected to it) would be closely monitored, discussed, analysed and outcomes made public.
Updated 20 Jan 2022, the Ethics Application document of the Registry research project, in its ‘Background’ section, confirmed:
“As yet, no reliable data are available for rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant populations or on pregnancy outcomes for women, or neonatal outcomes for their infants, affected by COVID-19 in pregnancy whether unwell and requiring hospital admission or for those who remain well and are managed within the community.”
Which begs the unanswerable question: why then, were these healthcare professionals and their captured institutions and entities, promoting a completely unnecessary, dangerous, untested, genetic intervention as an injection, for pregnant women? And furthermore, why was the data collected that could provide info about the potential impact on pregnancies - positive or negative - not published?
The individuals involved were:
Associate Professor Katie Groom, Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland was the primary investigator. She published an opinion piece in NZ MSM here and provides some insight into her personal life in this article.
Alongside her:
Dr Lynn Sadler, National Women’s Health, Auckland City Hospital.
Associate Professor Nicola Austin, Department of Child Health, Canterbury District Health Board.
Ms Rebecca Hay, Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland. (who also worked as a vaccinator in 2022)
Ms Laura Mackay, Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland (now at Starship Hospital)
Dr Kasey Tawhara, Rotorua Hospital.
The research study was unexpectedly short-lived. It officially began in Oct 2021 and closed to new cases on 1 February 2022, which is interesting timing, being one year after the ‘vaccination’ was approved by Medsafe NZ, and only 4 months after the ‘Vaccination Order’ forced so many to comply to the experimental intervention (eg see my post about the teachers, above). The study apparently received only about 100 (exact number unknown) of self-reported notifications of ‘cases’ of ‘covid’ by the pregnant women. (So already the methodology was questionable, but let’s not go there.) But even with these low numbers, I strongly suspect there are some interesting outcomes within this crucial timeframe.
On 14 March 2024 Associate Professor Katie Groom sent an email to participants explaining her apparent rationale for ending the project in terms of ‘notifications and discussing the project’. I wonder what discussions were not ended? Apparently funding was available to support this project from the Hugo Charitable Trust. This is an Irish Catholic charity based in Otago, with assets of over $82m, that supports $5m towards medical research, including those activities of Associate Professor Katie Groom. Interesting to note the way the Catholic Church promoted the injections to its followers, despite it being known the mRNA Pfizer tech included foetal and stem cells which goes against Catholic ethical values.
We can see from the outline on the website that one of the four Study Aims was to investigate:
The impact of COVID-19 vaccination on the incidence and severity of SARS-CoV- infection/COVID-19 in pregnancy in New Zealand. (Addition October 2021).
Seems like this was a premeditated, global ‘surveillance’ strategy of the impact of the jabs on pregnant women, for instance in the Ethics Application, it states:
Dataset: The investigators have reviewed the data collection reporting forms from the Melbourne COVID-19 in pregnancy and the UKOSS surveillance datasets to inform the data collection instruments in this registry so that the findings from studies using this registry can be compared internationally. Addition October 2021: addition of COVID-19 vaccination status including dates and type given.
Assoc Prof Katie Groom repeatedly states in her email of 14 March 2024 to participants, that the database and procedures will remain open, and will be “ready when needed again” and how very pleased she is that this “system […] can be activated quickly and support our understanding of new and rare diseases in the future.” I think we can guess why?
The Auckland Registry research project outline claimed that the data collected from the participants…
“…will be shared with the investigators, Colleges (RACGP, NZCOM, RANZCOG) and the Ministry of Health. During and at the end of the study, to be determined by the birth of all babies of women with COVID-19 in pregnancy and after such time that COVID-19 is significantly reduced in New Zealand, data will be compiled for peer reviewed publication. An equity analysis will be undertaken if possible, contingent on numbers of cases among groups by age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic advantage, to determine whether there are differences in severity of disease and outcome. A detailed statistical analysis plan will be developed.”
Outcomes withheld
After a recent Official Information Act (OIA) request to the University of Auckland about these drafted or published outcomes, I am told that the ‘information does not exist’ or that if it did, it could not be released, because of the potential ‘chilling effect’ on researchers’ work, if their academic investigations were under scrutiny. Yeah, nah.
It is beyond words how these women could be so expert in their fields and yet promote an injection that could potentially cause so much harm to the pregnant women they are paid to protect, including their unborn child. But it is unforgivable, deliberate behaviour to subsequently withhold information that could provide the informed consent that was censored three years ago. Today, the promotion of the dangerous injections continues in New Zealand, including to pregnant ‘people’. God help us.
Now that so much has been exposed about the Censorship Industrial Complex, I wonder what Assoc Prof Katie Groom and her colleagues think about their research?
It seems to me that OIA requests are almost pointless when information can be withheld for any spurious reason they care to cite. Is there no recourse to the Ombudsman, etc?
Absolutely disgusting, these people are soulless ghouls