Sep 10Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Thanks Ursula. Very interesting. It is chilling to think that the more horrific the atrocities are, the less people are psychologically capable of accepting their reality. It's an incentive for the ill-doers to carry out greater and greater evil!

I think this is generally what we are experiencing today, not just with Covid. The sheer malignancy of the system, the global criminocracy, is just too massive for people to want to see. But they are going to have to!

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The faces of those women at Burgsteinfurt that I wrote about, haunt me. But even if we forced the perpetrators to watch a doco like the Allies did, they’d likely claim it was photoshopped and fake news! https://open.substack.com/pub/informedheart/p/the-pathway-of-better-understanding

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Sep 10Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Our taxpayer owned commercial TV Channel SBS broadcast Another Mother's Son not long ago. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5193790/



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One for the watchlist. Thanks!

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The guillotines are horrendous, but many nations executed saboteurs and brutalised insurgents and even civilians, especially at the end of the war.

The Soviet union allegedly was the biggest mass murderer of the century, but they seem to escape the same level of vilification, as do we, over the Rhine meadows, Dresden and Tokyo etc.

The problem with the Alderney story is that it is full of "claimed", could be's and may be's.

We continually single out the Germans for their crimes, when all nations committed some inhuman acts.

We also know now, that some of the claims against the Germans were outright allied propaganda, designed to destroy them entirely.

Dachau gas chamber - nope - expert walkthrough proves it wasn't.

Treblinka mass graves - nope - ground radar found a few isolated graves.

Auschwitz gas chamber - probably not - fake chimney and building not suitable.

Remember also that there are many stories where the local population said the Germans behaved impeccably, where the allied saviours were terrible.

Atrocities happened, but the Germans were not the only ones.

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Sadly, I think you missed the point of my article. But never mind.

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