May 8Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Very inspiring!

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May 9Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Unfortunately I think that the vast majority of people don't care unless it hits them in the pocket. So when they get fined for straying outside their 'Liveable Neighbourhood', as 15-minute cities are now euphemistically known, then they'll wake up. By which time it will be too late as all the surveillance infrastructure will all be in place.


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I said you are a gem Ursula ... but I don't know the half of it ...

What a lovely post ...

I loved the Piano & Flute ...

Pirongia is so lucky to have you ...

I can see how you could so easily be at cross purposes sometimes with these communities ... but you obviously are doing such a wonderful job ... gently red-pilling your community at the same time I believe ... ...

If there was such a thing ... as a 'Good Sorts' segment in our media for 'anti-narrative' 'whisperers'... you would be on it!

As usual ... always looking forward to your great posts ...


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May 14Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

This is wonderful, Ursula. These are amazing initiatives to connect and engage with fellow human beings. It uplifts my soul to know that there are people trying to do good in the world. Thank you.

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Thanks Abir, that means a lot. I have fond memories of that role play exercise we did together. Maybe we could do a 2.0 version for 2024? 😆

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I'm not sure I have the energy to bring people together again. But I think there is a shortage of that happening ... I am wishing that organisations would play that role.

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