
“To ask questions is, in my opinion, the purpose of journalism. It is not journalism's purpose to ventriloquise the propaganda of politicians and large pharmaceutical companies. That, in my opinion, is the very opposite of thinking.” Love this, in, unbelievably, legacy media: https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/24317524.neil-oliver-deserves-apology-right-covid/

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Local newspapers ensuring they go straight in the wood burner ... Ursula you are such a warrior! (I think I've told you that before) The number of companies that have gone 'bust' over the years ... making all sorts of excuses ... except the truth ... they let down/pissed-off their customers ... I'm sure you'll have no trouble convincing a lot of your neighbors to write to the local papers and thank them for such good combustible kindling ...

Hadn't seen your 'recommended' list before ... but it was good to see so many the same as mine ... isn't it amazing ... that one of the best political commentators in the US ... is comedian Jimmy Dore ... used to watch a lot of Gad Sad ... till he seemed to go through a mid-life identity crisis ... The Duran, Glenn Greenwald, and Redacted all are great ... as are most others I'm familiar with on your list ... will check out the ones I'm not familiar with ...

'Reaching People' looks very interesting as well ... 'cold facts' 'not recommended' though ... is a very sad indictment on the 'mass formation' brainwashing of society ... David Webb had the same result when he took his message 'doorknocking' ... getting the message through to people ... the 'big question' of our time ... VFF has sent out millions of really good letterbox flyers ... but how many Kiwis are on Substack ... not many!

It's something I ponder quite often ... just what wording would get people to immediately go from their letterbox ... to their computer ... so I will be checking out 'Reaching People' ... thank you ...

It took three emails headed 'The Arrogance of Stupidity' to Chris Luxon ... but I did get through to some with my third ... although ... somewhat ironically ... Stuff Investigations and Stuff Opinion ... both blocked my emails after the first one ...

I'm always interested in your 'kick-boxing moves' Ursula ... thank you ...



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I found another one to add to the list of good sources - Richie Allen. Check him out, I think you’ll enjoy his daily banter.

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May 16Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I see there are 1080 drops coming up, Kaikoura and Coromandel! So sad this is still happening!

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It will end. Like in all totalitarian oppressive policies, truth will win.

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May 16Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Talking about censorship etc, ,listened to this on RCR today and was amazed people are still thinking like this. Well worth a listen. https://realitycheck.radio/inquiry-sessions-with-alistair-harding-randall-richards-and-roy-champtaloup-on-the-recent-truth-and-lies-seminar-in-wanaka/

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Yes heard that one. We are a divided nation.

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May 16Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

And what did Te Awamutu's most famous son have to say about the Covid 'vaccines'?


So not someone to watch or listen to.

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD


I read out bits of this to my family just sitting here and they were totally shocked. Truly, society has split, humanity has split, here is the evidence.

Edit: and Ursula...what if you started your own local newspaper? :)

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I never will understand how the “fourth of state”, as in the fourth branch of the state, the watch dog, became the “4th estate”. That makes zero sense. Congress, The executive and the judiciary are branches of the state, they do not sit on estates.

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I don’t know about reality check radio. I find the emails from voices for freedom, their partners in crime basically, to be extremely patronising. And they’d also clearly been told about me before I even tried to engage with them (as I’d already crossed swords with mainstream Journos in this country this implies a little closeness). And then last local elections that brat who’s trying to steal hydro assets to fund his hydrogen car business by the name of Rangi Kemara stated on Twitter that I was a member of VFF to try and spoil my vote with the Vaccine main. At the same time none of the vaccine opposers would promote me whatsoever. Basically mainstream was blocking me for my "anti vaccine” views and saying that I was a member of VFF when I was not and the likes of VFF, Farmer Jones and Liz Gunn were blocking me as well, wouldn’t say boo to me.

One and the same if you were to ask me.

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You are an 'acquired taste' Richard ... as people probably would describe me ...

Liz Gunn runs hot and cold with me ... VFF and NZDSOS ... don't run with me at all ...

I try not to take it personally ... and just beat my own drum as best I can ... and I save a fortune not going to their events ...


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I have no time for Liz Gunn, little time for VFF and NZDSOS just floats by me.

I am only an acquired taste due to what I mention above, that mainstream and so called independent media operate as a team to make that the only option.

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We are in a war Richard ... whether people are aware of it or not ... it is extremely evil ... and is being 'prosecuted' with unbelievable ruthlessness ... by people who have absolute contempt for us ...

The stakes are just too high Richard ... to take things personally ...

Two years ago ... I offered to sleep in a police cell for two weeks ... and give a group of senior police daily lessons in critical thinking ... the words I used were 'kick the shit out of their brains'

They have ignored my emails for two years ... I want to tell them to go to hell ... but the stakes are so high ... I would probably ... sleep in that police cell ... for as long as it took ...


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I figure that I have more contempt for them than they do for me. But otherwise agree.

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Good luck on finding that cell.

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