May 20Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Those Charter Schools that someone hired David Seymour to institute in NZ are PPPs too.

As are “Integrated Schools” more or less.

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I have a longer post planned to explain the Charter School fiasco!

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It's not surprising ... nothing is surprising anymore ... the general public confirmed as brainwashed 'goldfish' ... that don't care about anything ... unless MSM 'winds them up' like clockwork toys ...

I put Tony Blair (I was there too) in the same 'sinister box' that I put Obama in ... at first, I didn't mind Tony Blair ... but as time went on ... I came to loathe the man ... and that 'scale' has kept rising over the years ... one of the most hideous 'puppets' on the planet ...

The World has signed up to a lot over the decades .... and unfortunately, people are going to get what they have 'paid' for ... or yet to pay for ...

Kiwis have become dumbed-down idiots ... who just don't want to know what is happening to them ... they are swimming in MSM propaganda ... and by the time the sharks have bitten enough of them ... for them to start getting out of the water ... it is going to be well and truly ... too late ...

We need you ... and a lot more people like you Ursula ... running our Govt ...

Thank you ... and regards


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May 20Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I wonder if Gwen is still going to do her film on Jacinda. Shame that she wasn’t at the Esplade Restaurant a few years ago.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Good article Ursula. The infrastructure scam is being run by the Treasury (who don't forget are bankers).


New Zealand Infrastructure Commission is a Treasury operation.


As with Kiwisaver, the infrastructure scam is are all about increasing Government bond sales (i.e. Treasury) -- creating the market for a debt product no-one wants -- debt which you repay -- NZ government and local govt. debt.

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Well said, thanks for spelling it out. I guess I like to leave people to make their own connections between these individuals and their objectives, but it's good to say it out loud too! Bollard in particular is still close with the Treasury. It's sickening how manipulation like this is allowed to continue, but as I quoted above, Sir Rod said all those years ago - regulation is not needed, shareholders' profits is the priority! Urghhh!

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