Thank you Ursula.

I was just having a conversation with someone recently about these 'government people.' After having read many, many of their emails to each other that were released by FOI (which I published) I received quite an insight into their characters.

To answer your question, no. None of them stopped to think about what they were doing. They were task-orientated, but when they did display emotion, were positively giddy with the excitement of it all - being at the 'cutting edge' of a 'great event.' For many of them, for the first time in their lives, they were important. However, mainly they were highly robotic as they performed their tasks.

While the information would have been heavily curated and redacted, the overwhelming impression I got was that they were hugely self-centred, egotistical, and entirely focussed on completing the task at hand to please their superiors which they, in turn, believed would directly benefit their careers.

I did not publish everything I have, but if people are interested in reading the emails, some of them are here: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/2020-2022-australias-covid-response

They worship themselves and their careers and only see the public as numbers on balance sheets.

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Absolutely this: "hugely self-centred, egotistical, and entirely focused on completing the task at hand to please their superiors which they, in turn, believed would directly benefit their careers"

I witnessed this many times myself - new projects put in place to deal with the jabbing frenzy meant that new higher paid roles were up for grabs, this created many monsters.

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Great comment, thank you.

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Thanks for this piece Ursula, much appreciated.

The unredacted Robert Koch Institute documents are very interesting too.

'Who specifically gave you your orders?' is going to be a handy question to ask.

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Sadly, I think the majority of these women ‘managers’ took orders from their own Ego.

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They most certainly did however there is a culture of promoting those who repeat the most diligently in the health sector.

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I'm in the process of creating a video on a major player in Australia with the social impact bonds. It leads me to a study being done in Victoria Aust funded by the same player. This study takes DNA swabs of babies, parents and any tests from the pregnancy, it also tracks the parents mental and physical health, education results and any other services the parents use (they collected data from an unspecified time prior to birth). It then takes data from the child as it grows up, schooling, any services accessed. The study is being down at the Murdoch Children's Hospital. They have a branch which is investigating genetic engineering. All very disturbing. One thing that additionally stands out is the professor who is running the program is in a video from 4 months ago stating they want to track babies whose mother got the covid injection vs mothers who didn't. To see long term developmental trajectory. On the surface, it's bizarre as the government is still saying that covid vaccines are safe for pregnant women, yet studies are only now in motion. But on a deeper level I am concerned for what they are really tracking for.

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I had half a conversation with a PI Prof about ‘the Dunedin study’ along the same lines. Eg when did the mothers and babies (now adults) give informed consent for their lives, including DNA, to be surveilled and published? They even did a TV doco on them using their real names ffs. NZ academia is so ducked up, it’s a surprise any ‘ethics committee’ actually exists tbh.

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Australian and NZ universities are now actively spruiking for researchers to partner with the US DOD to create and manufacture weapons. The DOD just opened an office in Melbourne and there are 50+ projects already up and running including directed energy weapons: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/us-dods-global-scientific-research


Try to do anything with Aboriginal people 'on country' however and you will get your sh*t pushed in by ethics.

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Unless one actually knows a mother who lost her baby, then they remain unheard.

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I have a friend who’s daughter had this jab during her pregnancy, few weeks later, little girl born at 30 weeks gestation..little girl is now just over two years old, can’t sit up, can’t walk, has seizures, can’t talk, her little body ties itself up during sleep….shes on medication now for the seizures, was told it’s probably that cat disease (forget the name). They didn’t have a cat!! I don’t think the mother would even discuss this with anyone…😢

I also knew a mandated midwife, early on…hee words, “it’s unprecedented to see two stillborn babies in one day with all the checks these days”. She had been working at Waikato hospital…she couldn’t bear it…has since gone back to the UK! It’s all so horrific and especially from

These lying professionals that keep pushing it!!

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It’s just too heartbreaking for words.

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The blindness and deafness of those in the health field started at the very top. Managers didn't ask questions, Executives didn't ask questions and some CE's definitely did not ask questions. They all blindly followed the 'orders' from 'above'.

Many of those order followers also pushed the narrative hard and in some cases, Managers were told by Executives that anyone not following the narrative must be reported to HR, anyone heard discussing the vaccine harms and/or death of fellow nurses/doctors were immediately shut down and reported to HR for disciplinary action.

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The Teachers’ Appeal Court Case has just been dismissed. The Judgment included the statement that basically the appeal was meaningless as mandates ended 2 years ago. My question to them is, were the unethical and harmful medical treatments, injustice, discrimination and death ‘meaningless’ two years after the Holocaust? It is unbelievable to face up to what we are seeing now - the total meltdown of society.

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https://fyi.org.nz/request/26610-cancer-and-maternal-and-neonatal-stats-since-2019#followup re the OIA regarding neonatal harms, see this unacceptable response ..

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Of course they don’t want to reply! Just awful! NZDSOS have an article on their website just recently talking to some coroners and it isn’t good what they’ve seen…I shared it on fb and it was gone with a warning to me within 1 minute! It all feels so hard!!

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We will get them all and lock them up and asset strip them. Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins, Nikki Turner, Helen P-H, Michael Baker et al. They are criminals and murderers. They can rot behind bars and then rot in hell. That is what you get when you sell your soul to the devil. Shame on them all.

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Beware the Noahide laws !

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