Contradictory Covid Advice to Pregnant Women in New Zealand - then and now.
A collection of images and very short videos illustrate a tragic era in human history.
Legacy media in New Zealand for the past few days has centred around the realisation that Health NZ is ‘totally bloated with bureaucracy’. You don’t say?! A new Commissioner, a Dr Levy, was appointed and many senior managers have resigned, or their roles axed. One look at this page of the Health NZ website will allow you to see the level of bloat and inherent conflicts of interest. But is this staff exodus the result of a realisation of the lies told, the propaganda repeated and the harms inflicted over the covid era? Maybe. Partly.
Many of these senior roles are women, and I want to reflect specifically on the part these women played in applying the ‘vaccine’ mandates and also preventing so many from obtaining exemptions. Of particular concern is the way pregnant women were forced to take the experimental genetic injections.

I’ve written here about the ‘research’ study at the University of Auckland that intended to monitor pregnant women who were ‘vaccinated’ and so-called ‘cases’ of covid. This study was terminated early and like many similar surveillance projects internationally, the data have so far been withheld. I also wrote here about the disturbing ways that our Ministry of Education coerced pregnant women teachers to get the jab, even though the senior managers themselves had experienced adverse events. Safe and effective. Yeah, nah.
Why is this important to keep banging-on about? Because it ain’t going away! Last night, Netflix adverts included this assault to our minds:
And for those still propagandised enough to follow the NZ Government’s advice on jabs, yes, the instructions are - even if you are pregnant - keep getting those bloody boosters! Screenshot here:

But let’s go back in time.
There were lots of red flags at the beginning of the ‘vaccine’ roll-out during the covid era, that pregnant women should definitely be excluded from the experimental injections. I won’t list them all again here, but for instance, on the 31st August 2022, the World Council for Health was one of the many organisations pointing out the contradictions in the various government’s ‘advice’. Alongside ‘recommendations’ for pregnant women to ‘get vaccinated’, there was this document, ‘Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech’ that included a paragraph in Section 3.4 ‘Toxicology’ that stated:
In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time and do not reflect a specific finding of concern. (my emphasis)
There were questions - still unanswered - as to why Governments, including the NZ Government, had contradictory advice on its website. If it was the case that the Summary report (above) along with the Pfizer clinical trial data was deemed ‘out of date’ and that the UK government had concluded the Pfizer/BioNTech ‘vaccine’ was now ‘safe and effective’ for pregnant and breastfeeding women, on what data was that conclusion subsequently based?
Those of us who had read the original trial data, could see in 2021/2 that not only were pregnant women excluded from participation, but that regular pregnancy tests were required of those who could get pregnant and because of the risks of shedding, participants were instructed not to engage in sex during the time of the trial. This short video (screenshot below) summarises the Canadian experience - mirrored in all the Five Eyes countries and others - of the facts found on the Pfizer contracts and other documents, and the celebrity ‘experts’ coercive public statements (8 mins):
has written lots about this tragic topic and the harms to the unborn. A great summary of the evidence of teratogenic harms from mRNA is here:But there remains - conspicuous and shocking to us all - many pieces of evidence, across the globe, with individuals names too, on YouTube and other platforms…evidence of how the captured entities promoted the propaganda about the ‘safe and effective’. Here’s one short piece (less than 2 mins) from the UK NHS (Midlands) from a midwife called Charlotte Leo, who clearly had been told to repeat a script, to camera, with glasses on and facemask secured. Tell me, is there any authenticity to her message? How was it likely received by the targetted women? Where is Charlotte now and what has her experience been like since her message was posted?
In Canada, let me show you this short ‘news’ item (5 mins), full of confusing contradictions. One minute it claims covid ‘was’ dangerous’ to pregnant women and warns how homebirths were banned because of the risks. Then the audience is told that the risks to pregnant women are not high for covid, why shouldn’t they be ‘allowed’ to give birth at home? Who was making these ‘rules’ anyway and why?
As in other countries, in New Zealand, various charities and advocacy groups repeated the same BigPharma propaganda via the Ministry of Health website (which in turn came from the US CDC and WHO) For instance, the advocacy group Women’s Health Action published this short video, where the representative literally just read-out the ‘instructions’ for pregnant women from the Ministry of Health website, seemingly without any engagement of her own brain at all:
The mind boggles. And the chosen women for the $millions spent on advertising were endless, like this ‘Sarah’ woman, who claims that her vaccinated breast milk will actually ‘protect’ her son until he is ‘able to access’ the ‘vaccine’ himself:
There are no words to describe what these people have done - especially those who should have known better. Why didn’t they read the original documents from Pfizer? Why didn’t they ask questions? Why did they just blindly do as their managers/funders instructed them?
I guess we will see lots of the ‘redundant’ senior managers of Health NZ take up roles at PPPs, like so many before them in the revolving doors of power that I wrote about here.
Will we ever discover the ‘behind the scenes’ stories of active coercive protagonists like Charlotte and Sarah? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you Ursula.
I was just having a conversation with someone recently about these 'government people.' After having read many, many of their emails to each other that were released by FOI (which I published) I received quite an insight into their characters.
To answer your question, no. None of them stopped to think about what they were doing. They were task-orientated, but when they did display emotion, were positively giddy with the excitement of it all - being at the 'cutting edge' of a 'great event.' For many of them, for the first time in their lives, they were important. However, mainly they were highly robotic as they performed their tasks.
While the information would have been heavily curated and redacted, the overwhelming impression I got was that they were hugely self-centred, egotistical, and entirely focussed on completing the task at hand to please their superiors which they, in turn, believed would directly benefit their careers.
I did not publish everything I have, but if people are interested in reading the emails, some of them are here:
They worship themselves and their careers and only see the public as numbers on balance sheets.
Thanks for this piece Ursula, much appreciated.
The unredacted Robert Koch Institute documents are very interesting too.
'Who specifically gave you your orders?' is going to be a handy question to ask.