May 27·edited May 27Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Thanks for reporting.

Re: Memes-- these are just the digital incarnation of cartoons and graffiti, which have been around since an eon before Pompeii. This argument retailed by certain supposed "fact checkers" that memes are primarily a tool of the far-right is absurd. I'm not even sure these peeps moved far left themselves (and hence see even centrists as far-right)— looks to me like they moved off-planet.

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Exactly. I looked at Joan’s social media and papers - she’s very deeply propagandised it seems to me. How sad her colleagues can’t point it out to her, with kindness of course. 😉

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD


It seems to me, based on the sample size of those academics I know personally, that most would have been passing around the very same jug of Kool-Aid. Even the relatively conservative academics whom I know took 3 or more jabs and now believe "covid's over," (hence no need to talk about it at all, ever), and they also believe that side effects were super duper rare, just lots of coincidences and complainy people looking for financial advantage, and also: Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer nut with a brain worm and anyway his entire family hates him, and, of course, the Great Credo: "millions of lives were saved by jabs." Well, let's see how much longer this lasts. Could be a long while, or could be like the fall of the Berlin Wall, takes a while, then, allofasudden.

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As someone who is fascinated by science I think nanotechnology is a very promising tool. It may allow early diagnosis and targeted treatment. These studies don't sound as scary to me. Any tool can be used for good or for evil. A knife can be used to cut your steak to eat and nourish your body or it can be used to kill another human being. And just like we shouldn't ban the manufacturing of knives, we shouldn't ban research into the use of nanotechnology. If there are scientists interested in this field and there are people willing to be guinea pigs for the sake of science so be it... (as long as they are properly informed of how experimental this whole affair is and what the potential risks are of putting in their bodies a substance that can travel absolutely anywhere)

As a health advocate, I can't help but think if only they would use all this funding to prevent disease through education and enablers then we don't need to diagnose or treat disease. If only people would remember that their bodies have inbuilt mechanisms for repair and healing... if they provide the right conditions for repair and healing to occur... putting in the right nutrients, eliminating the toxins, making sure that their body's healing mode (the parasympathetic mode) is switched on (check out PART I and PART II: https://abirballan.substack.com/p/part-i-what-can-you-do-to-feel-good)... then they won't need the diseasecare system that has completely overmedicalised life.

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Totally agree. I think the problem is now though, even if there was the possibility of authentic benefits from nanotech, the informed consent is impossible. What could a researcher say? Like: ‘this product has previously been used on unknown numbers of people, without their informed consent, and that’s why we know X & Y, but we still need to test on you for Z’ ? Those military pharma industrial complex staff have ruined any hope of ethical future use.

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The technology scares me only because of the people whose hands it is in ...

For the most part ... our World is made up of good people ... people who don't want to harm others ... people who don't want World wars ... or want to dominate the World at the expense of others ... but it has become very obvious to me in the last eight years or so ... that there is far more evil, terrible evil, in this World than I had ever realized ... and it is such evil, the depth of which, most on this planet have absolutely no comprehension of ... that has insidiously been destroying the good people of this World ... for well over a century ...

And from our own 'Dame I won't name' ... and our psychopath, attention seeking academics like Michael Baker ... to the tens of thousands in America like Joan Donovan ... that give themselves away every time they open their mouths ... because even their 'rainbow colored' breath gives them away as 'vax' damaged babies brought up on way too many 'vaccines' and liberal fascist ideologies ... well evidenced by their irrational aversion to common sense ... and butt-hurt whinging when sprayed with the powerful right-wing insect repellent otherwise known as 'memes' ...

(See 'Libs of Tik Tok' for context)

The evidence is 'screaming' ... that we are now in an 'endgame' to destroy us ... but the 'vax' babes just keep doubling down on their 'liberal insanity' ... their mantra of 'saving democracy' ... by actually destroying it ... keeps getting louder ...

The 'deliberateness' of what is happening to us is becoming more evident by the day ... just as the insanity of the 'woke' left does ... but the sheep continue to graze obliviously ...

How do we 'win' ... a war we have actually already lost ... because, for the most part ... the brain damage afflicting the likes of Joan Donovan ... the 'Dame I won't name' ... and Justin Trudeau ... is 'irreversible' ... but maybe the 'game changer'/'DNA changer' ... will be the 'DNA changer'/'game changer' ... that will finally set Chris Luxon's 'hair on fire' ... so my suggested 'strategy/game plan' for any that are interested ... is to start 'carpet bombing' the NZ political parties with all the DNA changing/SV40 evidence you can come up with ... as more and more evidence ... damning evidence ... is coming to light ...

Surely ... even idiots can't ignore it forever ... and believe me ... we haven't got 'forever' ... we only have 'now' ...

Your posts just keep getting better and better Ursula ...

Thank you


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