After posting this, on looking for the contact details of those women 'experts' in that meeting, I came across this webpage, which presents the new question - where is the data? https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/liggins/our-research/new-zealand-registry-of-covid-19-in-pregnancy.html

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Unfortunately, filtering out the teachers and medical workers who resisted, appears to be a step of preparation for future psyops.

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As another example of just how evil our World has become ... over a year ago I sent an email to a well known NZ 'journalist'/TV pundit ... to her iCloud (Apple) account ... within hours, I could no longer send emails to iCloud accounts ... and, to this day, my emails to iCloud users are blocked ...

What right did this so-called 'journalist' have to get my emails universally blocked to iCloud users ... but that is what has happened ... and shows just how evil and how widespread MSM power/control is ...

Google is no better ... gmail 'bots' read your email, and those they don't like get blocked or sent to 'spam' ...

I urge everyone to 'ditch' both Google and Apple where ever they can ... at least get secure email accounts like Proton etc.


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Rumble - 'Man in America' ... Seth recently interviewed Dr Robert Epstein about Google - it is as mindblowing as it is sickening ... Seth seems to have done quite a few interesting interviews since the other one I recommend you watch with Dr Naomi Wolf ...

Also Glenn Greenwald ... particularly about Wikipedia ...

None of these companies (noticed 'Salesforce' ads on NZ tv recently?) are your 'friend'


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One of my email accounts (I have a few.....) has decided to send my substack posts to spam.

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Oh my God. That video of the women talking about it looked like a hostage situation. Please save and dowload this (and all your work) offline.

Thank you Ursula for keeping on this.

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I know right, it was sick! Especially at the end when they say you should get the jab so you can 'show off' your newly born baby to family and friends because obviously if everyone is jabbed lockdown ends and we can be allowed to all see our families again. ffs!

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I couldn't watch all of it. I could only watch at the timestamp and a bit afterwards. Imagine the horror of these women if they now realise what they have done. Have any of them spoken out, said they were wrong? Honestly, I could not sleep if that were me.

I am actually extremely ill right now.

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Thanks Ursula, another great post. I'm always amazed at how the Education Mandate just appeared out of the blue. It was not requested by anyone in Public Health, but was the brainchild of some bureaucrat in the Ministry of Education in cahoots with the Education Unions. Education officials brought the proposal to Hipkins on Oct 4, and just five working days later on Oct 11 Cabinet agreed on the mandate. Four days after this (Oct 15) Bloomfield finally "clearly expressed" to Hipkins the public health rational for the mandate. It never was about public health and it never was about the science.

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Totally right. And it makes it even more sickening.

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I am so glad I am subscribed to your substack Ursula ... a very sensible voice in a World that, for the most part, has completely 'lost it's marbles' ...

Thank you for an excellent post ...


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First sign this was going to be rubbish was when she referred to 'pregnant people'. They are women. Stop cancelling women.

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The level of conveniently "incomplete or not recorded data" by government bureaucracy worldwide is gobsmacking artifice. Especially given their eager adoption of socials and fledgling AI tech😉🤔🤨

Any data you are looking for, I suggest you do a citizen investigator call out. Publically ask for what your looking for, I would wager citizens will be able to dig it up😉🤗

#citizendetectives #thedataisthere #itsnotburied #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Just discussing this by email last night, do any of them have any doubts right now. The response that came back is that they're all conformists.

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Thank you for all you are doing to expose the depths of corruption of our so called "leaders". Here in the UK , although the vax was not legally mandatory, women were coerced by psychological warfare. At first the NHS issued advice to pregnant women telling them NOT the take the vax, but then that advice was withdrawn telling them it was perfectly safe. These people must face the consequences of their actions through legal procedures. Sadly though all our institution's are implicit. For example I was studying the Church of England investment portfolio and saw they have millions invested in the pharmaceutical industries.

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Thank you, yes the coercion was across the world in similar formats. It was the pregnant women issue that was the tipping point to me; how can these so-called medical professionals have forgotten the thalidomide horrors?

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Best way to fire his ass is after a quick trial and ask him if he'd like a blindfold. How many women did this ghoul's hand was involved in destroying?

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Who are you referring to? Ashley? He’s just a puppet.

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A pretty enthusiastic puppet it has to be said. And nosing around property records last year also gave me the info that Michael Baker's house is worth about 4m. Not bad for a University Lecturer or whatever he is. (James Shaw - 1.7m btw).

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