Dec 18, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Ursula you continue to knock it out of the park. The silence from the Australian prison system is deafening and people are terrified to speak out. I have heard stories and rumours but that's it. I will be re-stacking this. Nice work.

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Thanks. It was particularly heartbreaking to hear one of my students prepare himself for the fact he wouldn’t be able to see his kids for an unknown length of time. He was very determined: they weren’t going to coerce them or him. I wonder where he is now?

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Have you read Katherine Watt’s Substack of today ??

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

In Australia, I did note that in NSW, they had mandates for visitors (and children over 12) to prisons. All staff were meant to get jabbed, too. And I can only assume they pushed it like buggery to the prisoners. Who knows, maybe solitary confinement was an option if you chose not to take the jabs....as well as no time outside (with other people)...

I was surprised reading that NZ has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, though. That's a huge worry.

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We hear that a lot in the USA which is often used as an excuse, along with racial inequity, to release violent repeat offenders. I am concerned with crime rates, which in my area are on the rise. When people are arrested dozens of times and convicted nearly as many and are released without bail I wonder why we have a prison system at all. I understand individual exemplars of overly harsh sentences (J6 anyone?) can be found, but if we incarcerate repeat offenders how much of the life energy of their victims could be saved?

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I thought the US has the "Three strikes and you're out" policy? Or is that just in certain States? Must be, if you're mentioning so many repeat offenders being on the loose!

Racial inequality is of course a major issue. Here in Oz we have SO many Aboriginals in jail, yet they make up such a small percentage of the population. I think many countries have a similar problem... :-(

And yes, there are always the 'deadbeats' of society...but I think evil politicians with their terrible policies actually end up doing more damage to society than a few repeat offenders at work. Of course, I don't have any stats to back me up, here; it's just how it seems to me. Because how many people died after taking these injections? How many people end up being put to death via euthanasia? How many people make terrible life decisions that cause them cancer, reduced life expectancy etc because the govt lie and say jabs are 'safe and effective', let alone all the other legislative failures that are (or aren't!) enacted?

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I live in Washington State, which has a so-called "three strikes" law but it has been weakened over the years as it was established by a people's initiative and the legislature can make changes after a few years. Also, crimes are often pleaded down so the conviction doesn't count. The public defenders and prosecutors are generally incentivized to get more cases processed so trials are few. I understand when one looks at raw numbers there are disparities by race and several factors feed into that but if someone murders someone else I want them locked up regardless of their skin color.

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RemovedJan 13
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I am sorry I am not familiar with this paradigm and am not sure what, if anything, you are suggesting. Please elaborate.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I have worked in maximum security prisons here in Australia so I almost did not read this...kinda late in the evening to feel that old nausea return. My difficulties were never, with inmate's regardless of their crime .

Thank you Ursula and Co .

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Mar 26Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Prisons got paid $36.05 per dose administered during business hours and over 48 after hours. They appear in this dispatch report which is data from two OIAs https://number8.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Receipt-and-Dispatch-Data-OIA-21339-CRM0401037-Summary-3.pdf

Check out how much money they got !

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Very interesting, thank you.

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What would we do with out that word......interesting .

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Excellent piece Ursula, keep going, especially when not pulling any punches, like this piece.👏👏💯👍

Just an interesting aside- look at the top investments from October 2019, throughout all of 2020 and currently still rising....even the "Big Short" real life investor Barry something, he sold almost everything he had and invested it all in....prisons and prison tech.🤨🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤐 apparently he thinks it's going to be bigger than the 2008 GFC.😉

He's just one big time investor, there are m a ny more and the "new style" of prisons, will be rolled out before....yep...2030.😐😐🤐

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Satan stalks the prisons. Along with his minions.

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What!? That is completely horrifying. thank you for the info.

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