NZ Health Group managed to continue profitable business during 2021-22 when all 2467 'vaccine' mandate exemption applications for their staff were granted by the (anon) Gov Covid Exemption Panel.
I sat here gobsmacked in the Uk by what went down in New Zealand, Australia and Canada.
While it wasn’t perfect here by making it awkward to eat out and visit pubs for the undarted like me I was left pretty much alone to go about my business.
I knew 2 weeks in that it was a pile of dog shite they were selling as no one out of 9 of us at work caught a single thing, we served thousands of customers handling only cash until mid 2020 yet we had nada amongst until autumn 2021 after the darting commenced throughout all age groups.
I’m disgusted with our own politicians but at least I could shop mask free without any hassle, we didn’t seem to reach the full on fascism and my heart went out to the people of those that did.
Thank you for cross-posting this ... Ursula is indeed 'knocking it out of the park' ... she has posted some incredible insights lately ... and it is a privilege to receive her posts ...
Thanks for the info on this individual. it's important to know who all the people involved in coercion or who knowingly (or should have known) enabled the fraud.
This is good, but it would be much better if you got to the point and said it out loud:
Some well-connected people were allowed to skip the deadly and worse-than-ineffective toxxine injection while it was mandated on people who were not well-connected. This was a cynical and selfish crime against humanity and _must_ be punished by hanging in order to maintain even a thin semblance of justice in New Zealand. If the government of NZ will not provide justice, it is utterly illegitimate and _must_ be overthrown by force so that the hangings of everyone who mandated the injection can take place.
You are now on an international 'watchlist' ... and flying will be a problem ...
Be prepared to face charges in multiple jurisdictions ... and penalties of up to US$1billion (seeing as you are a first offender) ...
And forget about ever running for political office ... or giving speeches on University campuses ...
The good news is ... these restrictions will only last a couple of years (just like Gislaine Maxwell's incarceration will) ... until the toxic consequences of the 'induced poison' kick in ... and all the 'consequences' you mention ... are back in 'favor ...
I have mixed feelings about Australia and Australians. However, let us assume for a moment we have common interests. our so-called leaders threw many of us under the vaxxination bus. They are culpable of homicide en masse, among other things (according to my reading of the Crimes Act 1961).
There may be some advantage in Open Sourcing the investigations in our respective nations. Australian laws can't be applied here, likewise NZ laws can't be applied there. Nothing would infuriate the crooks more than kiwi's outing the bad guys in OZ, and ozzies outing the baddies in NZ. kinda like five-eyes, but only two-eyes, both scratching each other's backs. :-D
great research effort! I am wondering what the information actually means. A private company managed to get a lot more exemptions through than other people. But what does this mean? It could mean a few things. It could mean they are influential. It could mean they had an internal culture with a lot of people against the jab who all helped each other word their applications right so they got exemptions. It could mean supportive bosses that helped employees escape the jab.
It could mean a lot of things. I am supportive of everyone's efforts to avoid that unsafe medical product - as long as they're not pushing it on other people, a lot of health employees got caught up in it and didn't want it. Some lost their jobs but others didn't have the ability to say no.
Sometimes private enterprise actually saved people from government mandates - I give you an example. I am a journo-turned-bus-driver to avoid the lockdowns (and stayed). We were owned by the government (state transit). We were all going to be forced to have the jab and they weren't granting exemptions. But they sold us to private enterprise right before the December 1 deadline. The state government had ruled that individual companies could choose for themselves, so they didn't enforce it due to driver shortage, and I kept my job unjabbed.
You’re right Alison, some commercial entities DID evade the mandate. Some (major ones) did not (Fonterra is a good example here in NZ). The crux is in my writing (in this post and others) about PPPs. If the entity is closely tied to Gov (contracted) funding (or philanthropath’s ‘charities’), rather than wholly customer-centred (genuine profit margins) it likely enforced the jab. But for some (as is the case with NZ Health Group) they knew their ability to evade the mandate exploited the public sectors who could not. BTW look at the spread-sheet, these were apps submitted for multiple people when most others were being declined, my guess is whoever was in their PR dept at the time, knew who to send it to and how. (The members and minutes of those Exemption Panel meetings are currently still secret. But we will get to the truth. Eventually.)
yes PPPs are indeed the devil incarnate. I watched as our governments here in Australia fell over themselves to welcome business, 'we're open for business' it's all about jobs! but somewhere along the way they forgot that a democracy has to have arms-length distance between government and business, and that all procurement has to be transparent and publicly visible to prevent corruption and undue influence creeping in
the media was asleep and now we wake up and find that PPPs and regulatory agencies are running the country
i like your term "philanthropath" it's pretty spot on. Billionaires using a charity structure for PR, political power and tax evasion
I'd still be cautious to ask -- if their HR department knew who to send it to and how, then were they a champion and hero saving their employees? Or were they exploiting the system to get the jump on their competitors through staff retention? could be either. Might be they just had an absolute hero in HR.
Have a look here at what I have done - I have just added the pdfs and they uploaded it was easy - all you do is drag the file onto Substack while it is in 'Edit' mode and drop. It will recognise the file and automatically upload.
Why in the world would New Zealanders elect Jacinda Ardern, a filthy piece of human garbage as their prime minister? Did they have zero clue how corrupt and woke she was?
Hmm, Ardern and Trudeau seem to be the worst of the flock. I agree that world will go down in flames because of the terrible outcomes in the elections.
I hear we are one of the least corrupt countries in the world
And one of the most free
Fact checkers keep telling me
But I think, perhaps, they're mistaken
Welcome to the land of the heavily heavily indoctrinated.
I sat here gobsmacked in the Uk by what went down in New Zealand, Australia and Canada.
While it wasn’t perfect here by making it awkward to eat out and visit pubs for the undarted like me I was left pretty much alone to go about my business.
I knew 2 weeks in that it was a pile of dog shite they were selling as no one out of 9 of us at work caught a single thing, we served thousands of customers handling only cash until mid 2020 yet we had nada amongst until autumn 2021 after the darting commenced throughout all age groups.
I’m disgusted with our own politicians but at least I could shop mask free without any hassle, we didn’t seem to reach the full on fascism and my heart went out to the people of those that did.
Keep going.
Thank you for cross-posting this ... Ursula is indeed 'knocking it out of the park' ... she has posted some incredible insights lately ... and it is a privilege to receive her posts ...
It is entirely my honour.
Thanks for the info on this individual. it's important to know who all the people involved in coercion or who knowingly (or should have known) enabled the fraud.
Now I know why 'Umbrella' ignores' my emails ... I wonder if my favorite hypocrite 'Clinical Psychologist' received an exemption?
Once again Ursula ... your research blows me away ...
In awe ... again ...
Thank you!
This is good, but it would be much better if you got to the point and said it out loud:
Some well-connected people were allowed to skip the deadly and worse-than-ineffective toxxine injection while it was mandated on people who were not well-connected. This was a cynical and selfish crime against humanity and _must_ be punished by hanging in order to maintain even a thin semblance of justice in New Zealand. If the government of NZ will not provide justice, it is utterly illegitimate and _must_ be overthrown by force so that the hangings of everyone who mandated the injection can take place.
You are now on an international 'watchlist' ... and flying will be a problem ...
Be prepared to face charges in multiple jurisdictions ... and penalties of up to US$1billion (seeing as you are a first offender) ...
And forget about ever running for political office ... or giving speeches on University campuses ...
The good news is ... these restrictions will only last a couple of years (just like Gislaine Maxwell's incarceration will) ... until the toxic consequences of the 'induced poison' kick in ... and all the 'consequences' you mention ... are back in 'favor ...
actually I've been blacklisted already for about 8 years, so I thought I may as well make the most of it!
What happened 8 years ago?
Hmmmmn ... Got it! Trump ran for President!
Must be a Trump supporter ... and got caught wearing a 'Maga' cap ...
Ursula ... you really are ... a 'bad girl' academic!
Keep it up Tiger!
Outstanding work!! 👏
Do you want to come to Australia and do the same work??
I am sure there are just as many skeletons in the closets in white coats that NZ has!
Special Australian post for you today, my friend. :)
I have mixed feelings about Australia and Australians. However, let us assume for a moment we have common interests. our so-called leaders threw many of us under the vaxxination bus. They are culpable of homicide en masse, among other things (according to my reading of the Crimes Act 1961).
There may be some advantage in Open Sourcing the investigations in our respective nations. Australian laws can't be applied here, likewise NZ laws can't be applied there. Nothing would infuriate the crooks more than kiwi's outing the bad guys in OZ, and ozzies outing the baddies in NZ. kinda like five-eyes, but only two-eyes, both scratching each other's backs. :-D
Excellent work. I recommend you get a flak jacket..
Wonderful! Little by little, the truth comes into clear view.
Thank you & blessings on you from the US.
great research effort! I am wondering what the information actually means. A private company managed to get a lot more exemptions through than other people. But what does this mean? It could mean a few things. It could mean they are influential. It could mean they had an internal culture with a lot of people against the jab who all helped each other word their applications right so they got exemptions. It could mean supportive bosses that helped employees escape the jab.
It could mean a lot of things. I am supportive of everyone's efforts to avoid that unsafe medical product - as long as they're not pushing it on other people, a lot of health employees got caught up in it and didn't want it. Some lost their jobs but others didn't have the ability to say no.
Sometimes private enterprise actually saved people from government mandates - I give you an example. I am a journo-turned-bus-driver to avoid the lockdowns (and stayed). We were owned by the government (state transit). We were all going to be forced to have the jab and they weren't granting exemptions. But they sold us to private enterprise right before the December 1 deadline. The state government had ruled that individual companies could choose for themselves, so they didn't enforce it due to driver shortage, and I kept my job unjabbed.
You’re right Alison, some commercial entities DID evade the mandate. Some (major ones) did not (Fonterra is a good example here in NZ). The crux is in my writing (in this post and others) about PPPs. If the entity is closely tied to Gov (contracted) funding (or philanthropath’s ‘charities’), rather than wholly customer-centred (genuine profit margins) it likely enforced the jab. But for some (as is the case with NZ Health Group) they knew their ability to evade the mandate exploited the public sectors who could not. BTW look at the spread-sheet, these were apps submitted for multiple people when most others were being declined, my guess is whoever was in their PR dept at the time, knew who to send it to and how. (The members and minutes of those Exemption Panel meetings are currently still secret. But we will get to the truth. Eventually.)
yes PPPs are indeed the devil incarnate. I watched as our governments here in Australia fell over themselves to welcome business, 'we're open for business' it's all about jobs! but somewhere along the way they forgot that a democracy has to have arms-length distance between government and business, and that all procurement has to be transparent and publicly visible to prevent corruption and undue influence creeping in
the media was asleep and now we wake up and find that PPPs and regulatory agencies are running the country
i like your term "philanthropath" it's pretty spot on. Billionaires using a charity structure for PR, political power and tax evasion
I'd still be cautious to ask -- if their HR department knew who to send it to and how, then were they a champion and hero saving their employees? Or were they exploiting the system to get the jump on their competitors through staff retention? could be either. Might be they just had an absolute hero in HR.
“Hero” doesn’t exist in this situation - only corruption of The Club. Re Philanthropath, I cant claim credit. It’s the genius of Margaret Anna Alice.
Facts are always welcome. Thank you for your excellence in preparing the research and writing you did. Much appreciated!
This article might be of interest to anyone interested in stopping these mRNA vaccines right now.
This whistleblower's claims - that he is finding "white fibrous" clots in live patients "three to 10 times" every week ... needs to go viral.
Ursula, where can people see the spreadsheet with all the redactions and NZ Health Group?
Is that on 'OIA response 11 October 2023 (Ref HNZ00030952)'?
I need to find a way to upload a massive pdf. What’s best?
Have a look here at what I have done - I have just added the pdfs and they uploaded it was easy - all you do is drag the file onto Substack while it is in 'Edit' mode and drop. It will recognise the file and automatically upload.
Thanks! Done it now! It's at the end of the post. Phew, it's been a long day and there's even more tomorrow. urghh!
Great work! Happy to help!
I will definitely put this in my Substack muster. Thanks again for your efforts.
Worked perfectly ... thank you ...
Why in the world would New Zealanders elect Jacinda Ardern, a filthy piece of human garbage as their prime minister? Did they have zero clue how corrupt and woke she was?
Unfortunately the same could be said of most political ‘leaders’.
Hmm, Ardern and Trudeau seem to be the worst of the flock. I agree that world will go down in flames because of the terrible outcomes in the elections.