Oct 3, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Many around me think all medical staff are fully jabbed and are doing absolutely fine. . . And therefore, do not need to worry about safety issues of the injections. This "secret" must be made more public.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Thank you for this Dr. Edgington. I cross-posted the article from NZDoc to my readers but ensured that I linked to your Substack in the intro so that people can explore the situation. I feel that this is a developing story and as you say, this is a stinking dead elephant in the room.

Going further, I would suggest that all these health workers are Collaborators under the principles of covid democide, and the people who issued the exemptions are Architects. They are in very, very, deep sh*t.


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You’re right, I’ve thought about this more overnight and will publish the details of the ‘panels’ of decision makers later - those who were drunk on power to decide basically quite literally in some cases, who lived and who died. It’s hideously cruel what they did.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Boy oh boy. I know exactly how you are feeling right now - I felt the same way when I published the Australian death panels in my FOI article.

I'm waiting to see what happens with this story, how the details flesh out, but it is a clear-cut case of democide collaboration and I will likely include it as an example in my article.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Great digging Ursula!

Here's a theory worth exploring:

The high prevalence of "Admin/support" and "tech" staff compared to actual frontline medical staff is due to ACCESS!

Specifically, these people had access to the systems which recorded the exemptions against employee records and basically gave themselves (and their colleagues/mates) said exemptions.

What is needed to corroborate this is an FOI request of the list of exemptions against who gave them and lacking that (due to privacy concerns), the SPECIFIC SYSTEM ROLES with authority to grant exemptions and a breakdown of exemptions granted by role.

Happy to do the analysis if you can obtain the raw data.

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Good point, Michael, it’s often the case in NZ that these kinds of systems are insecure and/or open to contractors etc (see my Orwellian-interpretation of being a Contact-tracer post). I will have ponder and send a follow-up OIA soon.

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Not just in NZ... ;)

Given the prevalence, I'd say it's a feature, not a bug.

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Since the only criterion was apparently (ir)replaceability.. I am familiar with this cultural issue in IT (and large parts of this probably were IT), namely key "root" admins etc.

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I have been thinking about access to these systems.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I doubt staff will speak out now or in the future. I suspect that a non disclosure would of been part of the exemption approval process. The government was in full vaccination mode at the time and having to admit that many people had opted out of its programme would have derailed the propaganda.

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There’s no caselaw that protects institutions when whistleblowers ignore NDAs. It’s time for those people with exemptions to ‘grow some’ and face their fellow Kiwis with the truth.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Countries and institutions are now lawless. 'Rules' only apply to the proles and even then are applied unequally.

When people figure this out (as they are in the US cities) it will be chaos.

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Dang. I picked this post up and did not include it in my most recent one, which would have helped to add even more grist to the mill!

Thank you for your excellent work.

I couldn't make NZDSOS meeting. Next time.

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Hi Ursula, do you have a copy of the OIA that table (# of exemptions/department/DHB) came out of? I'd like to share it but the table doesn't have a source on it nor any headings. Thanks.

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Can you email me I’ll send you copy

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I can't figure out how to email you, but mine is sophieburnstock@protonmail.com

Many thanks. I've posted that table around the place but many people refuse to consider it b/c I can't attribute it to a specific OIA #. This will help a lot.

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Ursula, is there a reason why your OIA doesn't appear here?


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I didn’t use that FYI, as it’s run by MSM. Happy to send you the pdf if you need it.

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Yes please. I would love it.


thank you.

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