More on the Secret Exemptions for Mandated Healthcare Workers in NZ
....some discrepancies, questions and potential new rabbit holes.
I’ve just been forwarded a Substack post (below link), which sets out an Official Information Act (OIA) (UK=FOI) response to the ongoing question about how many of our healthcare professionals managed to somehow duck out of the injection mandates applied by NZ Labour Government in that dreadful November 2021.
But something smells very fishy!
By now, everyone (globally) knows somebody who was either mandated out of their job for not taking one, two, or more doses of the injection, and/or suffered harm or bereavement because of these mandates. Some people with existing medical conditions that were at high risk from this experimental genetic injection, were (inexplicably, at the time) refused exemptions point-blank. Heartbreaking.
It’s worth pointing out here, that little old New Zealand was (as usual) many months (sometimes years) behind the rest of the world. By November 2021 we knew full well, looking at the UK and Israel data what is now globally accepted - the injection is Unsafe and Ineffective. In fact, the more doses you get, the more your immune system is compromised and the more at risk of infection you become (especially for those who are older). The Yellow Card, VAERS and other signals were shouting out to the world, but the captured regulators had even admitted openly to their public, they had become ‘enablers’.
Some staff who suffered as a result of the first dose, were still not allowed an exemption for the second - the instructions from above were “don’t worry, we’ll have a CPR team on standby for you next time”. (I kid you not). It was literally like those in charge of the healthcare system had transformed themselves into mediaeval torture agents.
This topic is the stinking dead elephant in the room which has been rotting now for two whole years. And still the legacy media refuses to address it.
The ongoing question, especially after I recently attended the NZDSOS conference in Auckland (read about that here), is what happened to those rare examples of staff who did manage to get an exemption? Why were these people so ‘special’ and why did they not speak out - either then, or subsequently?
This NZ Doc is investigating this topic, as outlined in her short post here (please read this to understand what I go onto say here):
So according to this response, signed by Matt Hannant - Interim Director, Prevention National Public Health Service Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand - there were 11,005 staff who were provided with exemptions to the jab mandate.
[By the way, it’s strange that all these Te Whatu Ora Ministry of Health for NZ senior staff have ‘Interim’ in their title - like Neville Berry in the response to my previous OIA about the lack of rationale for the ongoing insane mandates in some areas (details here).]
However, in an OIA response (ref H2022009529) to a question from me from last year, in which I asked a similar question…
told me that….over all of NZ, 6,706 staff were apparently awarded the ‘special privilege’ of bodily sovereignty (see table below).
Good for them. (Urghhh)
So does that mean that this total, from last year, was incorrect? Or that the previous OIA was overcounted? Or, perhaps 5000 more staff been provided with exemptions since Sept 2022? Curiouser and curiouser….
You’ll also notice from this table from the response (above), how there were far more Admin, ‘Care and Support’ (however that is defined) and ‘Allied Health/tech’ who were exempted, compared to numbers of nurses/midwives and doctors (57% compared to 42%). Admittedly, there are many more of these admin etc staff than the clinical staff, but the numbers still seem unbalanced? It would be interesting to do a breakdown and ratio comparison of applications received vs granted and adjust the data for numbers of employees. Maybe someone could volunteer for that project please?!
There is also the blatant lack of consistency across the different areas of New Zealand - why would Waitemata (part of Auckland) have so many more exemptions than Auckland central, for example? And why would 220 nurses in sparsely-populated Southern (South Island) healthcare district, be given exemptions, compared to only 10 in the relatively residential Wairarapa (North Island, near our Capital, Wellington) district? The mind boggles….
My guess is, some of the most senior healthcare managers in these districts with higher rates of jab exemptions, knew how to ‘pull the strings’ in Government. Who were they? What were their methods?
Despite many appeals for some humanity, including this Open Letter from NZDSOS, Sir Ashley Bloomfield, true to the Corporate Playbook, remains evasive and dismissive. He is just a puppet, after all, now Co-Chair of the looming WHO IHR Working Group, and maybe he never realised how much of this information about the corruption would later be exposed? He is now involved in the WHO’s ‘next steps’, along with our ex-PM Jacinda Ardern, who has been promoted from her ‘Podium of Truth’ to a new Harvard Uni role as ‘Disinformation Queen’.
My question to Astrid Koorneef, who signed my OIA response last year, is why do these discrepancies exist between these exemption numbers, and what is hidden beneath the surface of these jab mandate applications from staff - and them being awarded?
And perhaps even more important than that line of inquiry, is:
Where are they now - the between 6,000-11,000 New Zealand healthcare staff members - who obtained these jab mandate exemptions?
Are they ashamed of their ‘special’ status in the light of the death and suffering they were implicitly a part of over the subsequent two years? Which in some areas, is still ongoing?
Can we - those who ‘know’ - be understanding enough to encourage these people to be brave enough to put aside their shame and stand up for what is right - to start speaking out? We need to gather together and share this information, if we stand any chance of stopping a repeat performance.
This tragedy is not going away.
Many around me think all medical staff are fully jabbed and are doing absolutely fine. . . And therefore, do not need to worry about safety issues of the injections. This "secret" must be made more public.
Thank you for this Dr. Edgington. I cross-posted the article from NZDoc to my readers but ensured that I linked to your Substack in the intro so that people can explore the situation. I feel that this is a developing story and as you say, this is a stinking dead elephant in the room.
Going further, I would suggest that all these health workers are Collaborators under the principles of covid democide, and the people who issued the exemptions are Architects. They are in very, very, deep sh*t.