There is absolutely no doubt that there is a clear and very well structured agenda behind all the transgender stuff getting such prominence recently. The people and organisations behind it are EXACTLY the same ones as those behind the idea of transhumanism. In both cases, it is an obsession with physically altering the human body from its naturally born state. It has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or so called 'human rights'. Adult people of sound mind are free to do as they please with their own body but any attempt to shove this down the throats of others should be met with a very firm response. I know there are organisations like gays against groomers who are stepping up against it but they are firmly of the LGB camp. I am yet to see anyone from the T bit speaking out even though it is in their own best interests to do so in order to show there are actually dissenting voices within the Transgender community. Failure to speak out by members of this community may (and likely will) result in a knee jerk response from the general public against any and ALL Transgender people...and nobody wants that really (except maybe the people orchestrating all of this).

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