Thank you ... again ... Ursula

Once again ... the depth and quality of the work you do humbles me ... and I know that what I do ... doesn't come close ... the 'investment' you put into this fight against evil is second to none ... certainly here in NZ ... and I always learn so much from your posts ...

I have only read 1/3 so far ... and will, hopefully, be more constructive after a bit more study ...



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Double bonus points for referencing “Mistakes Were NOT Made” *and* using “cruelites”—thank you so much, Ursula!

Interestingly, Toby was unpersoned by PayPal shortly after I was in 2022 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the#%C2%A7paypal-unpersoned-me). Fortunately, he got a lot of media attention, and his accounts were reinstated. I’m still unpersoned, but I’m a nobody as far as the media is concerned, and that is exactly how I like it 😁

I had a couple of interactions with Toby after I reached out about submitting articles to The Daily Sceptic. I even offered him a comp, which he graciously accepted (he later unsubscribed :-)

I think he may have picked up one or two of my articles in the digest but not directly at the site, which doesn’t surprise me because I am far too radical for the moderate balance they strike at TDS.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Andrew Barr, a Daily Sceptic contributor, wrote a piece about the importance of appealing to moderates where he praised TDS:


I know Andrew, and he is a person of integrity. He is the founder of Jews for Justice, and I published a letter by JFJ and two other Jewish groups condemning the weaponization of “anti-semite” to smear dissidents following the tragic suicide of Clemens Arvay:

• “Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens

Many of Andrew’s articles are also too radical for TDS, and he has a pretty clear sense of which ones will get rejected.

While I personally could never bite my tongue as much as would be required to be published at TDS (they are what I refer to as mainstream straddlers: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler), I understand they can serve as a gateway publication to greater awakening when the reader is ready :-)

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Jun 24Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

“So here’s the paradox: How can Toby Young simultaneously be working for Them Lot (the propagandists, the legacy media, the UniParty, the captured regulators etc) AND be promoting the antithesis of Them Lot’s aims, Free Speech and independent media?”

Good question…

Really makes you think about the UK’s class system too, still going strong…

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Jun 24Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

The saying "Hold your friends close and your enemies closer" comes to mind.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

The most obvious first question is:

Have you detected any overt/obvious financial ties between Mr. Young and Legatum or any of the myriad entities associated with them?

We already know for sure that Legatum is a MAJOR player on the "conservative" side of UK politics (but not only there...).

If such ties exist, the conclusion is fairly obvious.

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Well he was doing his PPE at Oxford at the same time as Cameron and his buddies, does that count? ;)

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It does but it's not definitive. We need receipt of money changing hands between Legatum (or any of their associated entities...and there are LOTS as you know 😉) and Mr. Young (or any entities associated with him, especially foundations or charities/NFPs). This is the point things become 'interesting' 😎

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Well his operations are mainly private companies, so not much transparency there, sadly.

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Jun 30Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

beta.companieshouse.gov.uk is your friend. Surprising amount of information is available there. Opencorporates.com for some other countries.

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Jun 24Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Free speech for those who the govt wants to give free speech too!

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Jun 24Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I think Toby should just concentrate on writing match reports for QPR.

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Jun 30Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Not all beggars are the same. And the money that they “make” can be quite good. I walked past one here in Dunedin who was asked by a roadworker how he was to which he replied “not that great, I’ve only made $120 today”

I have been threatened many times by another beggar who is threatening the profitability of a business that we have. He threatened me (was going to “smash me”) because I was “interfering in his business” which is to park himself outside ours and demand money (he normally asks for $20) from those walking past who of course want to get out of the centre as fast as they can because of it. He’s about 34 and I’m in my early 60s so that shows what kind of a guy that he is. Scum.

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That’s true. But I’ve never seen as many homeless in Nz as I have recently.

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Yes it’s a problem on that front as well. Both the circumstances that are causing that and the criminality of beggars needs to be dealt with.

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Controlled opposition 👍

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Thanks for this fine piece!

In case anyone's in doubt, Toby rhymes with phony.

BTW, Rusere Shoniwa wrote an excellent two part essay on British Friends of Israel Ltd, Toby and Laura. Here's Part 1: https://plagueonbothhouses.substack.com/p/zionist-friends-need-company-part?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Interesting....it stinks...I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him...

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