Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I don't think we can reconnect. It's not just tech zombies - it's everyone who still has an unshakeable belief in the official narratives around covid and hold to the "If it's not on TV/in the paper it's not true". We weren't jabbed (and haven't had covid) and friends of 40 years plus (let alone family) put up the shutters if we try to present evidence of the physiological and economic damage that is the result of the whole fiasco. So it's easier not to see these once dear friends because there are so many no-go areas and what we're left with is superficial chat. We now have different communities born out of the necessity to find "safe places" but we mourn what we once had.

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Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I understand how you feel. I tried to integrate into these 'new communities' for a time but they were also filled with delusional thinking bordering on mental illness that I felt even more isolated than before.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Yes Aroha ... it is as if we have come to the 'end of the road' ... and in many ways we have ... certainly the current situation we are in is people have lost their self awareness ... they have sacrificed ... delegated ... 'the cost of living' ... 'vigilance' ... basically to MSM and 'social media' ... or idiot politicians ... their entire existence has become a 'video game' .... even before Meta and AI ... and the 'street interviews' of people like Mark Dice and 'Flecca's Talks' on Youtube are great examples ... as is episodes of 'Libs of Tik Tok' ... the 'influencer culture' 'culture' is horrific ... as is seeing scantily clad 'people' (not allowed to call them 'women' remember) purportedly giving cooking lessons on Youtube ...

However ... if enough 'people' wake up to what is really happening to us ... very soon .. I think the 'horrifying truth' of what is happening ... will shock people into a very hard 'awakening' ... and hopefully we do learn the very hard lesson coming ... with wonderful people like Ursula doing such a great job of exposing the dangers engulfing us .. and we can survive it .... coming out the other side ... as people that will never, ever delegate the 'cost of living' to the likes of MSM and idiot politicians ever again ...

We need to make lying to the general public ... a criminal ... treasonous ... offense ....

But the key ... to our entire future, at the moment ... is spreading the word ... about the work people like Ursula do ... so enough people ... a 'critical mass' of people ... wake up to what is really happening to us ...



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Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I'd like to think you're right but sadly I don't think it'll be any time soon, maybe not even in my lifetime (I'm 78). My fear is that the many people like Ursula are not being read/heard by the others and I think the whole world is in the grip of the few who have the ear of all the media. I think we will have to "bottom out" before anything changes and that's going to be drawn-out and painful. Meanwhile we build community where we can.

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We only do what we can, with what we have. Locus of Control. Local is the new way forward. I'm an optimist at heart, always will be.

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Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Nice essay.

I find myself retreating from society because people are incredibly hostile, or perhaps I do not understand the 'new rules.' The other day some children were bouncing a basketball that escaped them and rolled down a steep hill. I was just walking by and I said 'hang on, give me a minute - I will go and fetch your ball.' After chasing the ball and even lying on my back to retrieve it after it was wedged under a car, I said from the bottom of the (very steep hill I would have had to walk up again) 'give me a second - I will be right back with your ball.'

The kids went crazy - screaming at me, accusing me of 'stealing their ball' and just generally acting like ratbags because I did not immediately return the ball. The mother came out and started yelling at me as well. Then, upon assessing the situation said "they're just kids, what's your problem" (to me). At this point I was just standing there.

I trudged back up the hill and threw the ball at them without saying a word.

When I take my dog out, she is bitten and attacked by dogs off lead who are 'just playing' leading to expensive vet bills. The people are clueless, glued to their phones and do not care that my dog is bitten and bloody.

I am tired of interacting with people and so choose not to anymore.

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That's shocking!

Things sound like they are pretty bad in the west...

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Oct 7·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I was reminded of a case in London in the 1980's when a woman was raped in broad daylight a few yards from the main walking thoroughfare in rush hour. It created quite the post hoc media 'stir'. Similarly, I have listened to the fear of a friend (later wheelchair bound) suffering from muscular dystrophy and prone to 'drop attacks' when his legs would literally give way on him, quite unpredictably. This might mean being stranded on the ground in a main London station concourse, unable to get up without the aid of someone or by leverage from a nearby wall or surface. He quickly learned to walk around the periphery of a concourse to be close to the wall. He discovered that people were terrified and auto-disposed to think that the stricken individual was a disease addled junkie whom they would readily spurn.

As for the disease of NZ compliance, in the end I believe that humanity will trump the isolationists. For in that end, whatever the coerced and compliant devotion to shots, masks and adherence to State sponsored separation, isolation and 'remoting' narratives, the need for an interactive engagement with sensorily dependent humanity is the greatest need of all. Sadly a predictable culture of dobbing and snitching appears endemic in New Zealand, which compounds the problem. But that too must eventually decline, out of necessity.

After all, René Spitz and Harry Harlow demonstrated unequivocally the devastating consequences of social deprivation on developing primates and children.

Don't think for one moment that 'socialisation' and the self-actualisation engendered from close proximity and touch, from a merging of Sheldrakes's bio-morphic fields, that these are anything other than absolutely and utterly critical to healthy adulthood and even to longevity. The State adherents must inevitably come to discover that they are in an even diminishing, increasingly deranged, minority.

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Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

I see some signs of neurons bumping into each other, but then have some interaction with a rude, utterly self centered cretin and decide that the last one out should turn the lights off.

Buuut then I try again the next day to make some forward movement. It's quite like ten steps forward and 9.8 backwards.

I think quite a few Npc's are becoming quite uncomfortable with the health issues on display around them and in my experience one of the only ways to make a zombie take notice is to effect them personally, which in many cases it undeniably is.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

The answer to your question Ursula depends on two factors:

1. Do we need the 'Zombies' to actually do something to "help humanity step back from the brink"? and

2. How urgent is it for them to do what we need them to do as per #1 above?

If the answer to #1 is a "no" then we can safely leave the Zombies to their own devices (pun intended). We can't save everyone....nor should we!

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Michael ... as Ursula has proved many times .... the 'Zombies' are 'running the show' ... in the aspect of 'demand' ... and 'supply' .... our politicians and bureaucrats being the best examples ...

Agreed ... we can't save everybody ... we're certainly not saving everybody ... but the 'Zombies' are fueling this 'push to the brink' .... 'humanity' .... is being ... deliberately' ... driven by 'Zombies' ... it is the 'Zombies' that are getting to 'dictate' .... the idiot 'policy makers' /MSM in NZ great examples .... the 'adults in the room' are having to 'fight' every step of the way ... to get heard .... from little NZ .... to Putin in Russia ....

Who's 'getting heard' ... Biden ... Harris ... Zelensky ... Netanyahu ... Fauci (in a propaganda piece in today's Herald) .... Pelosi .... AOC ... Trump (only the 'lies') .... here, idiots like Chloe Swarbrick .... Michael Baker .... Damien Grant ... Paula Penfold ... Steve Braunius ... Mathew Hooton .... Barry Soper ... HDPA .... Mike Hosking .... Tova (interviewing Tyler-Cohen ... what a moron she is) .... and the biggest 'Zombie' of them all ... heard around the World ... that would be the 'Dame I won't name'

We can't 'safely' leave the 'Zombies' to their own devices ... at this very point in time ... sadly, 'they are us' .... because the 'adults in the room' .... aren't getting a 'look in'



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The problem is, it's like Day of the Triffids now - we can't survive with all these blind people stumbling about, hungry and unable to work. We either help them, or we all perish tbh.

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Oct 7Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Well said Ursula. I used to like it when idiots identified themselves. It made my job easier. That was until I realised how many of them there are. Now I feel threatened by them and actively avoid them. Actually I avoid everyone but my nearest and dearest and I was not like this before the covid con. I have five new families in my immediate neighbourhood and I have not introduced myself to a single one. Their children are in day care so fully jabbed. Two wear hospital uniforms so fully jabbed. Every time I leave my home I wonder what has happened to people. They stare at their phones while their children run around the playground. No one smiles. No one makes eye contact. If I ask someone a question they will more than likely grunt or appear confused. Driving is a nightmare. I wonder did the dopamine phone hit do this, did the algorithms win, is it the jab damage. I do not know, but the morons are everywhere and yes, they are zombies. I am in West Australia and this is not the same place anymore. I feel like the covid monsters won, but they are still under the bed. I pray the people can be saved. I have no idea how. Until they are though I am going to assume that whatever they have got might be catchy.

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No point in smiling at people with earpods.

No point in smiling at people with face masks.

Eye contact unwelcome.

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