It defies logic to claim they were essential therefore should not take the life saving safe and effective shot - unless it was actually poison. The truth.

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I know, but this is 1984.

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The essential ones should have been shot of course.

WHO cares about the unessential.

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On what grounds were these exemptions made?

Easy for the exempt to *move on*.

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These ‘SSD’ exemptions were claimed because apparently these people were central to the service provided, and without them, society couldn’t survive. But as you can see from my previous posts, when so many were declined, including paramedics and fire and emergency staff (inc volunteers), it was a case of ‘not what you know, but who’.

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Have you checked the spreadsheets to see what the difference is? Hopefully it’s not A * B where B =80%.

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I did, and unsurprisingly there are more anomalies. Is it all incompetence? Who knows, but life’s too short to spend staring at these spreadsheets trying to make sense of the illogical tbh. The people in charge are evil and incompetent, a lethal combination imho.

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So a surgeon breathing COVID all over a patient was okay.

And an admin walking the corridors of the vulnerable just hunky dory too.

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Breathing what all over the patient?

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You know the dreaded COVID.


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Marvelous work once again Ursula ...

Can we trust the idiots 'in control of things' in this country ... I don't think so ...

Another few 'bricks' taken out of the 'wall' ...

I hope one day your work will be properly acknowledged ...


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>I also asked in this OIA for details of any gagging clauses (however it wants to define those). The claim is there were none.

So they all just...stayed quiet out of fear?

Ursula, as I have stated previously, I believe the NZ exemption situation to be among the most important of the covid era in terms of sociology and psychology. It is the true definition of a conspiracy, and like the 'Good Germans,' people will look back on this situation with awe.

Thanks again.

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How would you describe those who got exemptions.

Are they complicit or just savvy.

Could be a bit embarrassing for them to speak up now, so don't hold your breath waiting for them to.

Seems especially egregious to me for someone to get an exemption and then go about insisting that others get shot.

I guess that there are different degrees of guilt.

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They are collaborators in covid democide.

Embarrassed? If we ever have trials, they should be scared for their lives. Ursula is doing good work here.


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Wonder what sort of "vaccine pass" these chosen people had.

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I think Baker actually got the shot. Unlike Ardern.

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But I guess he just got caught out and someone put him on the spot.

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Do you mean that someone shot Baker because he wasn't quick enough to say that he was already shot, and he was where the shooting gallery was?

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and we should trust their data, because? I call BS!! The blue and the teal segments are much greater in reality I think.

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True, it’s all bs. But there were a group of people who met and apparently ‘authorised’ these applications. What did they say, who were they, what were they paid and more importantly - where are they now. And meanwhile, legacy media still repeats the same old ‘lives saved’ modelling lies: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/513341/8000-unvaccinated-or-partly-vaccinated-health-workers-were-allowed-to-keep-working

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One of the most depressing aspects of the pandemic was the mystical woo-woo chicken entrail reading, otherwise known as epidemiological modelling.

Epidemiological modelling takes assumptions we know will be incorrect like the r0 or the secondary attack rate - measures that by their very definition are dynamic and runs them through a few lines of simplistic computer code and provides us with "evidence". As if a few lines of computer code replicate a society going through a pandemic! The outrageous conceit of it!

Chaos theory shows us, unequivocally, that even tiny changes in inputs can give massive differences in output. And a pandemic is definitely a chaotic system.

Further, that anyone could believe that the ridiculously simplistic models they use, could provide evidence that comes either from the future, or from a counterfactual universe that never existed, is the most magical of magical thinking.

How can we have "evidence" when it exists in a future that hasn't happened yet or occured in a universe that never happened? As if they bought a newspaper report from 3 months in the future back to the present in a time machine! Ludicrous!

Epidemiological modelling is not science. It is not factual. We cannot currently predict the future in any meaningful way and that's not some throw away line it is an ironclad fact of our current level of scientific knowledge. Anyone who takes modelling remotely seriously does not have a basic grasp of current scientific understanding and reveals themselves to be both incredibly gullible and incredibly ill informed.

This is because it is not that modelling could be more accurate if we were just able to be more precise with input X, y, z it is that modelling will never be predictive, ever, unless some new physics or mathematics is developed that can solve chaos.

That your every day person does not know this is perfectly understandable.

That none of the supposed scientists understand this shows you how little the scientific method is actually followed. And that nowhere in the media was this ever explained is why newshub is going bust.

Baker is a pompous arse. A tiresome little dimwit, destined to constantly look like a gimp caught in the headlights and his branch of science is where economics was 30 years ago, trying to convince us it's a big boys science by using flashy formulae that tell us absolutely nothing about the real world.

Sorry to rant......but those fucking models models man....

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Baker has a nice 3.4 million dollar house in Wellington though.

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So does Kelley, maybe they have soirées together to laugh about their ‘successes’?

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No surprises there.

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'What were they paid?' ... And I bet they were whoever they are.

Thank you for digging up all this detail!

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great questions! Thank you for doing the work for us.

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That's the real deal isn't it.

Let the unessential be killed.

Kill the essential later, after a bit more deliberation.

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