"What is shocking is how the Medsafe Group Manager and his/her six managers, each with approx 10 staff beneath them, can possibly see this amount of staff (unpaid) leave as ‘normal’?"

They see whatever they are TOLD to see.

THIS is the REAL "new normal"!

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Dear Ursula.

Beyond terrible stats here.

Your logo in some respects resembles a broken heart - which at this point affects us all, some in more ways than one.

Keep up the excellent albeit confronting reporting.


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Aug 26Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

The managers must be named and shamed

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Working on it!

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Aug 26Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

In this case one might also argue that a 'main guy' was Justice David Gendall who demonstrated that; a. the law is an ass. b. washing one's hands like Pilate is no defence. c. the legal balance of evidence should have been readily able to show that shots in kids was a no-go. d. therefore legal bias appears a likely participant.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

And if the agency still managed to function despite all this unplanned absenteeism, one has to wonder what exactly it is they do all day. Other than paying lip service to WEF & WHO directives.

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Aug 27Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

It’s the same at the hdc. Last summer I was in touch with the medical council and they said to make a complaint to the hdc. On the email it said there may be a delay in processing my complaint because so many staff were off sick. In the last week of November 2023, the govt dished out another 37,000 boosters. That’s what I think had a major role in the 5th wave of covid as they called it as it started not long after in December and lasted all summer.

It’s the same at schools and many have sent children home due to not enough staff.

It will be the same with all govt employees who keep taking it out of obligation, I imagine

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

A confounding unstated variable appears? The individual immobilised by an episode of ethics.

We can but hope. As you know 'they' will never, can never, admit to their complicit descent into evil. But a few just might creep away into the night.

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Wherever and whenever they ‘creep’, they will all find karma. Eventually.

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Medsafe "I didn't do it. I wasn't in the loop. I was out of town, sick, on leave, etc. etc."

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Glad I found this substack. I heard the discussion on RCR last week.

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