I totally agree, @elizabeth, but so many cant see it yet. When those people see the discrimination (and they are, finally) they then MUST see the reasons why we didn’t take it. I pray that one of these strategies works, we simply can’t go on like this.

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This is a massive scandal Ursula…

For years there has been a concerted effort to shut down any questioning of vaccination.

People who question vaccination are tagged as ‘anti-vaxxers’.

The scientific and medical establishment has played along with this game, using the ‘anti-vaxxer’ epithet.

Vaccines are medical products - it is diabolical that this unprofessional and derogatory name-calling approach has been taken against people questioning these products.

The medical profession itself has been dictated to in no uncertain terms to not question vaccination in any way. This has been a disaster, and now here we are with Covid, with Covid vaccines repeatedly pressed upon all and sundry, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people, and the medical profession impotent to challenge this obvious anomaly.

We have to track this back now, who is responsible for the shutting down of questioning of vaccination?

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Proud anti-vaxxer now for 30+ years. No one is going to stop me speaking out and trying to wake people up - they can call me all the names they like, I accept them as badges of honour.

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Commercial airline pilots ... in spite of the stunning (and entirely predictable) consequences of multiple shots are still mandated to have shots in order to fly. Air New Zealand, Qantas and other trans-Tasman operators are all the same. Meanwhile, unjabbed senior airline pilots cannot get positions or jobs, even in freight.

I suppose on reflection that the purpose is to stymie the airline business and to reduce the province of the air only to those that own business jets and have their annual soirée in Davos?

Yes, it is irrational and sickening (pun intended).

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Air New Zealand and Qantas pilots are still mandated to have the shots?

Have you got evidence for this?

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Air New Zealand: https://careers.airnewzealand.co.nz/job/expression-of-interest-jet-fleet-in-auckland-nz-jid-171

"COVID-19 vaccination requirement remains in place for some offshore ports. This means that being unvaccinated may impact the ports you can operate to and your ability to fulfil the role. Air New Zealand strongly encourages vaccination to protect against the known risks associated with COVID-19. Please be aware that this role could be subject to a vaccination requirement in the future"

Air New Zealand cabin crew: https://cabincrew24.com/air-new-zealand-cabin-crew-requirements/

"Full vaccination against COVID-19 is required before starting work. Jet Flight Attendants will need a booster dose for international operations."

Mandates for Qantas pilots and flight crew appear to remain in place, similar to Australian doctors, nurses, and firemen.

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You’ve just reminded me why I’m not getting on a plane anytime soon! 😞

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Well done Ursula. Important work, thank you.

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"...when will our coalition Government acknowledge the elephant in the room and stop this illegal discrimination? " When? IMO Ursula, sadly, never. They are complicit in the agenda to cull our population. How else, with so much evidence now out there, could these people continue to deny, and then forge on with the death jab as if nothing has happened? And why do they go after the Doctors speaking out against it, with science? All those upper 'health' echelons are bought and paid for. And I haven't even mentioned Barry Young & how they've treated him and the evidence he supplied.

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Never say never Pam…

Yes, there’s plenty of evidence out there, including that there’s no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccinations administered under coercion and mandates.

This is a massive scandal and those responsible must be brought to account.

For instance the ‘regulators’ of health practitioners who failed to warn them not to collaborate with coercion and mandates. In this regard, please see my email to Ahpra in Australia: Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

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Sadly I agree with you. There are too many people with too much investment in keeping a lid on it. And to complicate it I suspect that at the government level (of whatever colour) there is a terror that to acknowledge any culpability will open the floodgates to class actions. If it's true that the Adern government, possibly like many internationally, had an confidential agreement with Pfizer that precludes any chance of redress there.

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And we have to stop calling them vaccines! It legitimises them in a lay persons mind. They do not resemble a traditional vaccine in any way shape or form, other than it is an injectable substance. Saying that it is supposed to prevent infection of a viral disease (which it clearly doesn’t) does not make it a vaccine.

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What exactly is a ‘vaccine’?

I use various terms - jab, injection, needle, shot…and vaccine.

This argument that it’s ‘not a vaccine’ concerns me because this infers ‘a vaccine’ is a good thing, and I am questioning this now.

So many vaccine products and revaccinations have been added to the schedule - which is steeped in conflicts of interest.

An ever-increasing load of lucrative vaccine products is being imposed on the population and this must be examined.

The entire ‘womb to tomb’ vaccination schedule must be subjected to scrutiny.

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'Vaccines' have always been bioweapons ... disguised as 'vaccines' ... they were always a mechanism by a group of people ... who see themselves as superior to us ... to cause brain damage ie lower our IQ ... and cause Autism etc ... and are very likely the reason things like Dementia ... Alzheimer's ... Parkinson's etc ... are now leading causes of death in highly 'vaccinated' countries ...

Now ... with people waking up to the fact that their fraudulent debt-based financial system is collapsing under it's own weight ... and is no longer sustainable ... and they have injected 5.5 billion people with lethal mRNA genetic poison ... again disguised as 'vaccines' ... so their terrible crimes against the World won't be exposed ... which they see as a subtle way ... in their own sick heads, justified as a 'humane way' ... to 'put-down' 5.5 billion people ... and tomorrow ... they are going to start WWIII ... to cover everything up forever ... we really have left it a bit late to do anything about it, haven't we!


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Yes. 💯

I must emphasise ‘lay person’, and I want for a better descriptor in this circumstance. Those that are about to awake to the crimes that have been committed against them can only be nudged, I’ve seen this in those close to me. Too much too soon and they just switch off. Once a large enough population have realised this ‘vaccine’ fraud, the rest of the wall will fall in due course. Use their tactics against them, shock and awe with the Covid vaccine fraud, the undeniable damage it has done in the last 4 years, then hold them to account for the last 50.

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Same applies to gene 'therapy', like the jabs somehow have treating/healing qualities. Codswallop!

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Here's an idea:

Surely there is a litigation funder out there who would be keen to make a fair bit of money from aggressive lawfare across the entire English speaking world for say 40-50% of the proceeds of all class action.

There are potentially many hundreds of BILLIONS (with a B) on the line for them.

If they are also unscrupulous (which is a bonus as far as I'm concerned), they will be happy to give some of that to equally unscrupulous judges to provide the right judgement in return for a nice 'bonus' in a secret bank account in Switzerland or the Carribbean.

Much better than waiting on any government to all of a sudden get its conscious back...

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Yes, the silence of the ambulance chasers outside Emergency powers is deafening.

Used to be you could rely on them to even show up to car smashes before the police. Where the hell did they go? There is money to be made here. A LOT of money.

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Our ACC system is founded on ‘no fault’ and unsurprisingly, it’s bankrupt - God knows what’s ahead for that fund!

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Nice idea, but litigation doesn’t exist in NZ law, nor group action. We have a broken judicial system, with judges tapped on the shoulder if they fit the indoctrinated mold.

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So there is no such thing as class action lawsuit in NZ?

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No, litigation doesn’t exist. Partly because of ACC.

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Wow! 😲

So you can't sue the government or its various agencies as a civil matter seeking financial compensation?

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Jacinda needs to be indicted, and dragged back to NZ by Interpol for a well deserved trial of a prominent, Schwabian global misleader. Then ostracised to an offshore NZ remote island surrounded by sharks. No sympathy for the devil, even if hired by that den of old eugenicists, Harvard.

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Ursula, the focus on this story needs to change…

The massive ‘elephant in the room’ story must come out…

And that is…there is no valid consent for the COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered under coercion and mandates.

Doctors, nurses and pharmacists who administered COVID-19 vaccine doses to people they knew were under duress have not obtained authentic voluntary informed consent.

They should not have collaborated with coercive and mandated vaccination.


Focus on this story, and these other cases will resolve.

Lots of information in my detailed paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed for Vaccination, 6 June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

My paper is from an Australian perspective, but it is also relevant internationally.

Also see: Just ‘following orders’? Who in the medical profession stood firm against the moral disintegration? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

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"And that is…there is no valid consent for the COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered under coercion and mandates."

Frankly Elizabeth, the 1930's track record of the German physician / surgeon population lays out precisely the trajectory taken by the medical, surgical and healthcare professions either side of the Tasman. It remains an utterly damning indictment for which there is no excuse and every reason.

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The crime is obvious DrLatusDextro…and those responsible must be brought to account.

Those vaccinators who penetrated the skin with the needle must be thrown under the bus - if they did this without valid consent, it is their responsibility.

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Not only did some ‘professionals’ violate these bodies without informed consent, they did it against their protests about the coercion. And for those with previous adverse events, on their second or third forced dose of the genetic material, a crash cart ‘on standby’. If this isn’t Nazi era evil, I don’t know what is…

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Check out this info sheet in Australia, Ursula: Handling consent refusal by people presenting for vaccination:


What do you think about that?

The Australian Government trying to protect its backside? The vaccinators are being set up to be thrown under the bus, because ultimately they are sticking needle in the arm…without valid consent.

But it should never have got to people presenting in front of a vaccinator. There should have been an outcry at the start of any sign of coercion or mandates, the medical practitioner regulator (Ahpra in Australia), the professional colleges and associations should have jumped up immediately and said ‘we can’t be involved with coercion and mandates, this violates voluntary informed consent”. But they didn’t…in fact they wholeheartedly went along with it. Medical insurers are in the frame too. This is what must come out now, need to go after these groups for their failure to uphold voluntary informed consent.

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Early next year the Airline pilots and air crew are taking the govt to court, it booked in, can't tell you the exact date but there are over 60 people involved. There is also going to be some witnesses from overseas, possible Aseem Malholtra. I'm not 100% on that, but sounds good.

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What is the situation in other commonwealth countries? Anybody able to report on them? I’m from Ontario Canada- is it happening here. 🇨🇦

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We need people to watch this video with UK doctor Elizabeth Evans: A doctor explains informed consent for vaccination... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-doctor-explains-informed-consent

Dr Elizabeth Evans is possibly the only medical professional in the entire world who understands the legal, ethical and moral obligation for informed consent for vaccination!

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